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Re: Guards Red didn't save this buyer on the way in his 996

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:50 pm
by Hatchetf15
Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:20 pm I would like zero censorship. He is a forum sponsor, in certain places. I know far less than him and will debate this in any open forum in front of anyone.
Rule #1 - Don’t be a dick. Not a lot of implied censorship, what with that being the only posted rule.

Re: Guards Red didn't save this buyer on the way in his 996

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:03 pm
by Dr_Strangelove
I had absolutely no business touching Jake's wrenches when he taught me how to assemble an M97 in our class in Georgia. I came into the room with absolutely nothing to offer, but I had come to learn. Jake answered every single one of my stupid questions. Never once did he roll his eyes, sigh, or act superior toward me. He made me feel as welcome and as competent as any other wrench willing to learn in his classroom. This is why I respect him as a man. Did I pay him money for the class? Of freaking course I did. Just as I wish I had directly paid my professors, but sadly I had paid their bosses instead.

I went home and fixed an engine with my comrade that had come to class with me. We had Jake's continued support since the class had ended for the absolutely insane fee of $0.

I can tell you man, in my field, nobody does ANYTHING for free. Jake is a legend in my book.

Re: Guards Red didn't save this buyer on the way in his 996

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:05 pm
by Renn Meister
Again, Deezy is making this all about me, and how he is being targeted. No mention of any sort of acceptance of fault for any of the things that have been brought up.

Now, challenging my integrity by alluding that the engine I posted the pictures of wasn't bore scored... Really? Why do you think I had verifiers standing by? Why do you think that I documented the engine serial number while the engine was in the car, and then again in every video that I took, showing the serial number while verifiers were present? Yes, I remain prepared. What I have collected cannot be argued with, here, or anywhere. The means in which I have collected this, and verified it are also unbeatable.

After I saw the bore scoring, I went back and reviewed Will's photos that he shared with me in the beginning. I told him from post #3 in his submission ticket that based on the low manometer reading (4.42 INWC) at sea level, that I suspected poor cylinder sealing. I then reviewed the two different used oil analysis reports, and saw a increase in Silicon, as well as a simultaneous degradation of the anti- wear package of the oil. All of these things pointed toward both mechanical wear, as well as wear resulting from Lokasil. Had I been retained to assist with the review of this car, I could have predicted bore scoring from 2,300 miles away, and I would have been right.

Warm weather no longer matters in regard to bore scoring. We are seeing it from all over the country, including a Texas border town that sits on the Rio Grande, as well as in Key West Florida, and both of those cars are here now, too. Both these cars came from climates one hell of a lot hotter than yours. One of them is parked on the lift right above your old car, which will be here till June 2021, being resurrected. Will won't see his car again, until June 21, 2021, but guess what? He isn't whining. He isn't bitching. He is being more docile than he should be, considering all the issues that he has faced with this.

I am no forum sponsor here. It is very easy for you to act like the guy who is targeted, when nothing ever targeted you.You need to learn how to accept responsibility, and counter these challenges through accountability. How you are acting, and carrying yourself is exactly how 50% of the country would today. You deflect, claim you are targeted, and that you are a victim. Last time that I checked the person making personal threats on forums, was actually you.

It's not that hard. Admit that you screwed up, and make this about you, instead of me. Stand up and explain why you avoided the direct question that was initiated by the poster in the BaT auction who asked about the IMS Solution early in the auction. Explain how you failed to correct the "BaT Essentials" information before agreeing to let the auction go live. This is what people want to know, and this is why you are catching hell everywhere you go. You would be amazed if you changed the way you handle this. I think the community would forgive you, and would learn valuable lessons from this.

Instead you say "My rep is shot and I will do something else"... This speaks volumes as to what you have been doing.. What you were doing.. How you will do something else later is to be determined.
Make this clear, the only person who killed your "rep" was the person staring at you in the mirror. That person does not have the ability to assume responsibility for mistakes, nor the accountability to do the right thing, when no one is looking. Deny, deny, deny... Even when your own words are repeated in your face, you still won't answer for them. This defines the modern human today.

Again, even though the bolts holding the cross brace under this car were falling out, no wrench had been on them recently, and therefore I maintain that no malice was intended. Should someone have taken the time to "nut and bolt" this car while doing mods, and taking pics of the underside? Hell yes. One bolt was hanging 1" in the open air, and has rattled there loosely for so long the the vibration stripped the threads on the bolt.(something else I have to fix). I believe that after selling 13 cars on BaT, or whatever the numbers are, that Deezy got too comfortable, lost some of his discipline, and it created a lot of this. I went back and looked at every BaT auction he sold, and I can see the traits. I have spent a lot of time this week putting this puzzle together, and researching things. Some of what I found (that was unassociated with vehicles) really helped me put the whole puzzle together, especially the conduct that led to the bans on Rennlist.

Hell, that's ok.. I answered for some of these things for you. I gave Will every core engine component that he needed for this engine free of charge. That includes camshaft cores, and a whole damn cylinder head, among other things. Someone owes him something. What the hell, its only money, I'll make more.

Deezy, Let's set up a time to talk on Monday or Tuesday of the coming week.I guess shoot me a message here with your number, and a time to call.

Re: Guards Red didn't save this buyer on the way in his 996

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 7:33 am
Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 8:07 pm cool, I wanna buy a 30,000 dollar engine from Raby and blame it on a guy from "commiefornia"
Mr. Joe Deezy, you come across as a straight shooting honest guy just trying to make a buck, but your footprints are all over the internet...

Why don't you tell the forum about your smog fixing background. Lots of posts on the BMW forums from your happy customers about how "mrdeezy got my car to pass smog" BS.

Why don't you tell us more about the Wheel Dynamics fiasco. You recently claimed YOU won the case, but the buyer said he's the person that won the court case and tried to collect from you over a year and never got a dime from you? He claims YOU eventually blocked all of his calls.

What about all the BS posts about selling a failing car on eBay just to collect money from their protection program?

Fixing smog in Cali?
Gaming the eBay protection program?
Passing on poorly repaired wheels and not telling the buyer?
Now the Targa fiasco???

What's next?

You say you're not a flipper, but are you an official dealer in state of California? Show us your dealer license how bout it.

It's like this... you chose to bring your life on the public forums both personally and professionally. You've made this bed, now sleep in it.

Re: Guards Red didn't save this buyer on the way in his 996

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:16 am
by gnat
Alright guys. He's made his statements and they have been responded to. Let's not just pile on. Either he'll be a member of our community going forward or he won't. It's his choice.

Re: Guards Red didn't save this buyer on the way in his 996

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:35 am
Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:44 pm I like how you keep a ten foot pole between you and any out of warranty engine you have built.
In my time on the forums, I've never seen a single complaint about honoring and repairing any engine that he has built under the "warranty period".

Aside from all the thousands of customers he's built engines for in the last 30+ years, Revs institutes in Florida trusts him to build their highly exclusive rare engines for their collection. You should check it out sometime.

Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:44 pm Your stance is garbage. You have all of these room temperature IQ morons from BFE waiting to attack me.
That coming from a guy that currently have near zero respect on two major (now three) Porsche forums. Your motto must be - "There's a sucker born every minute"

Not this crowd.
Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:44 pm It's funny how you guys automatically assume a rip off from someone. That is what rennlist is. Scared people and uninformed buyers with tacky mods. 7/10 people don't know anything. 3/10 do and two of those are dicks.
You're externalizing, again. :roll: I would argue that the people that are active on forums are more informed than the average Porsche owner. What is "tacky" anyway? That's very subjective and I've seen some of the cars you've modified and sold. Don't you think there is probably many people that see the tattoo on your wrist as tacky? To each his own!

Some people of rational mind would probably say a lot of those expensive mods didn't get your Targa three states over from California and so what's the point of anti-tacky if the damn car won't make it home because the seller spent his money on making it look perfect instead of run perfect?

Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:44 pm I will say some nice things about you now. You have made some nice great inventions. You are an expert in your field. I have bought things from you. It will never change the fact that your approach to selling things is similar to a security company or life lock. Your premises is fear and while you have done amazing things for some m96 owners, you have also de valued the 996 cars and hurt the ownership experience of similar enthusiasts.
What did you buy from Jake Raby?

Jake Raby and the Flat 6 Innovations team see mostly failures on a daily basis. While you say his communication methods are "fear" oriented, I say it's owner awareness. Bringing awareness to core problems with these engines enables the owners to become more knowledgeable of how to maintain them and avoid engine failure. Yes, if they neglect to change out a well-known wear components like the IMS bearing, leaking coolant expansion tank, misfiring coil packs, old water pump, etc... bad things will happen. Fear is a choice.

Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:44 pm Do you think its hard to notice that after you equipped cars with ims bearings, sold over to someone. About 60%,of 996 have them. 20 years later there is a new maga key word BORESCORING. People see how you won a small 30k lottery after you notice this on youtube. Just watch your
Actually, cylinder bore scoring was the first mode of failure that Jake Raby documented and has noted that many times on the forums over the years. You must have missed it. The IMS bearing fiasco overshadowed the bore scoring problem because of the attention it received from the class action lawsuit. IMS bearing failure is a quick killer. Bore scoring is slow death that can be caught and remedied if found early.

Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:44 pm You have brought a lot to the table, you also complain when things do not go you way. I agree with you, you give out a lot of info. I actually made a video for my last bat video that had a ppi in it on your recommendation and nobody cared. Less than 100 views. I have been very positive and supportive of you and your methods. I would invite any conversation about Will's car. There was no malice. Your shameless self promotion on my behalf is gross and negligence. You have a crowd of uneducated people making threats against me. You are so self involved you immediately posted a video killing me. You actually killed Will too.
Uneducated? Really??? That's your best defense is to insults everyone on the forums? You expect us to see your side when you constantly tear down everyone around you. You seem like a child that is pitching a fit to have candy at the check out line. Unfortunately, we're not giving in to your tactics.

Tell us, who has made threats to you? Threats of what?

Right now, I don't believe a word you're saying. Your words do not help your situation. Now you're saying Will has been "killed" too? What is the world are you smoking man?

Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:44 pm There was zero bad faith on my part of this deal, and this will keep escalating. Don't underestimate someone who has nothing to lose.
You promoted the car like it was the holy grail of Porsche 996 Targas. You said it "needed nothing". Your auction stated it had the IMS Solution, but it didn't. The cost of certified installation of the IMS Solution is significantly more costly than a standard retrofit. Every shop is different , but installing the IMS Solution can add another $3,000 - $4,000 to the bill. The part alone is $1800. Should the buyer had insisted on an invasive PPI. Absolutely. The lack of the IMS Solution, balding tires, bend suspension, cylinder bore scoring, etc. would have all been caught.

I also sold my personal 996 on BaT. You MUST approve their description BEFORE it goes live. That's YOUR responsibility! Your BaT representative is not perfect and can NOT physically examine the car. Therefore, BaT is not responsible for mistakes in the BaT writings and descriptors. You pay them the $99 to help lift the load of writing a description and handling the auction. It's YOUR responsibility to correct and approve the content. Plus, having a professional writer creates a better bidder experience since writing verbiage is a pain in the ass. The negligence of correcting the IMS Solution part in the auction is just the start IMHO.

Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:44 pm You know this. I fear the extravaganza you would have if this was an off brand IMS. You would be on the local news shouting to the rooftops. I know you do not want one of your ims bearings to fail and I can prove what was done with the car. If I had an off brand Ims in the car I am sure you would get your fear monkeys to come after me. It would be your ace in the hole..
If your car actually had a non-LN aftermarket bearing and claimed it WAS an LN IMS Solution Bearing installed on the car, I'm pretty sure you'd be in some heat.

Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:44 pm Again, Mr Raby. Big respect to you. But what you are doing, targeting me is trashy,

Now who's playing good cop, bad cop?

Re: Guards Red didn't save this buyer on the way in his 996

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:49 am
by Renn Meister
What did you buy from Jake Raby?
I searched the records at Flat 6, and found nothing with Deezy's name on it. Yes, I know his full name, and I searched for anything that is even close to a resemblance. Nothing turned up.
Since 2009, all we have only sold engines.... He hasn't bought an engine from me, most certainly.

Just wanted to clear this air, and expand on this.

Re: Guards Red didn't save this buyer on the way in his 996

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 9:36 am
by FRUNKenstein
Renn Meister wrote: Sat Aug 29, 2020 8:49 am
What did you buy from Jake Raby?
I searched the records at Flat 6, and found nothing with Deezy's name on it. Yes, I know his full name, and I searched for anything that is even close to a resemblance. Nothing turned up.
Since 2009, all we have only sold engines.... He hasn't bought an engine from me, most certainly.

Just wanted to clear this air, and expand on this.
Jake - you sell these deer whistle thingies, don’t you? That’s probably what he’s referring to.

4C647F47-E588-46E5-BC52-B00AE3EA1C9A.jpeg (341.38 KiB) Viewed 1777 times

Re: Guards Red didn't save this buyer on the way in his 996

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 9:45 am
Mrdeezy wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 7:44 pm My rep is shot and I will do something else. Life goes on.
Please tell us you're not getting into the smog fixing business again.

Re: Guards Red didn't save this buyer on the way in his 996

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2020 10:05 am
by 32wildbilly
Dr_Strangelove (whew!) wrote: Fri Aug 28, 2020 9:03 pm I had absolutely no business touching Jake's wrenches when he taught me how to assemble an M97 in our class in Georgia. I came into the room with absolutely nothing to offer, but I had come to learn. Jake answered every single one of my stupid questions. Never once did he roll his eyes, sigh, or act superior toward me. He made me feel as welcome and as competent as any other wrench willing to learn in his classroom. This is why I respect him as a man. Did I pay him money for the class? Of freaking course I did. Just as I wish I had directly paid my professors, but sadly I had paid their bosses instead.

I went home and fixed an engine with my comrade that had come to class with me. We had Jake's continued support since the class had ended for the absolutely insane fee of $0.

I can tell you man, in my field, nobody does ANYTHING for free. Jake is a legend in my book.
WAIT! Jake let you use his wrenches? No way... :?